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Some quick facts about Montepulciano!

Montepulciano is a grape that produces juicy bold red wines. However, there can be some confusion around wines with ‘Montepulciano’ on the label.

Because it is not only a wonderful hilltop town in Tuscany that has a famous wine style named after it, ‘Vino di Nobile Montepulciano’, it is also a grape. But confusingly, not the grape used in that wine!

Confusing? Yes!

Montepulciano, the grape variety, is grown across at least 20 of Italy’s regions.  Particularly in a region nearby to Tuscany, the region of Abruzzo. There it makes an excellent value wine ‘Montepulciano d’Abruzzo’. Another region it is grown is a neighbouring region of Abruzzo, the mountainous region of Molise.

It is a great alternative for wines such as Syrah / Shiraz, Zinfandel, Malbec, Merlot and Rioja Crianza or Reserva.

What does it taste like … 

This red wine is deeply coloured and robustly structured.  It tastes of red plums and cherry and herbs with a sometimes tarry mineral note. It can produce rich red wines and it is a great blender too.  So don’t be surprised to find versions such as the Palladino Biferno. Here it is blended with the southern Italian native, Aglianico.

It can be either left to mature in stainless steel or in oak barrels to give the wine complexity.


Something you didn’t know!

‘Vino di Nobile Montepulciano’ is made from a clone of the Sangiovese grape, Prugnolo Gentile. It is exclusively made in the town of Montepulciano and has been made since the 1500s.

We have two Vino Nobile di Montepulciano wines available. The Poliziano Vino Nobile di Montepulciano (£29.99) and Catellani Filicheto Vino Nobile di Montepulciano (£17.99).

What to pair this red wine with….

Wines made using Montepulciano are noted for their bold fruitiness.

Most red meat dishes will work well with Montepulciano including a juicy burger (or vegetarian burger) with beetroot and caramelised onion or some sausages – pork or venison. Tomato based pasta dishes and stews are also a good choice.


Wines to try….

The Palladino Biferno is available now for click here to purchase!


Serve at room temperature.

If you would like to try Vino di Nobile Montepulciano :
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