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Introducing two new Spanish sparkling wines

This month we have introduced not one, but two new sparkling wines to the Fine Wine Merchant range. A Cava and a sparkling albariño wine from Galicia. Not just in time for Summer, but also in time to swing into the upcoming holiday party season.

What is Cava?

Cava is a sparkling wine from Spain and is very much going through a well deserved period of finally gaining the attention it deserves. Part of this renewed interest means that there is now a much greater range of Cava available in the UK now.

It is made using the same methods as Champagne, but using Spanish native grapes, usually, instead. Our new Cava is the Pere Ventura Classic Brut and it is an excellent choice. Particularly for those who drink Prosecco as this Cava is still fruity, but with a slight savoury twist.

Click below to read more about this wine….

A sparkling albariño?

These are rapidly gaining the interest of British drinkers. Just as still versions of this Gallician classic have over the past few years. Albariño is a high quality white wine grape variety from Gallicia and across the border into Northern Portugal.

Please read about the grape albariño, click here to read ‘Some quick facts about albarino’.

Martin Codax is a well known Gallician albariño specialist. They make some outstanding wines from that particular grapes. Their Martin Codax Espumoso Albariño is another Spanish sparkling wine that uses the same method of winemaking as Champagne.

This time made solely from albariño grapes and the wine spends 24 months on lees within the bottle. This gives the wine a savoury creaminess and a fineness of bubble. It is a very versatile sparkling wine that will move gracefully between aperitif through to dinner.

Check it out here …

Cheers to good bubbles ….
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