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Featured wine of the month – Mount Horrocks Watervale Riesling

Fresh & vibrant – this is one of Australia’s best …

Mount Horrocks Watervale Riesling is just one of the fine wines that is produced by Stephanie Toole who is easily recognised as one of Australia’s great Riesling producers. She not only produces this outstanding Riesling, but also a ‘Cordon Cut’ version which is a sweet dessert style.


The Watervale sub region of South Australia’s Clare Valley is known to be one of the best regions in the world for producing Riesling. Along with neighbouring Polish Hill. Watervale region is famous for its limestone soils that give the wines a particularly minerally note and a fine line of acid that drives the flavours to linger in the mouth.


Mount Horrocks is also a pioneer in bringing the Sicilian red grape, Nero d’Avola to Australia. Stephanie Toole was one of the first to plant the grape and sourced her vine stock directly from Sicily. However, she also is a dab hand at producing excellent Semillon wines and Cabernet sauvignon and Shiraz reds.


All Stephanie’s wines are certified biodynamic as well as organic. This Riesling is made in stainless steel tanks to capture the pristine fruit.


This is one wine that will live very happily in a well managed cellar. Or… you can enjoy its rich lushness now as it is ready to go!

mount horrocks watervale cropped

Did you know! We have some other excellent producers & wines from Australia…
such as Henschke, and d’Arenberg who are also both known as organic producers.


About Mount Horrocks Watervale Riesling:

An outstanding limited release organic Riesling of the highest echelon, regularly acknowledged among the finest in Australia and admired around the world. Pure, pristine fruit flavours with benchmark Clare Valley lime and slate. It also has some pretty floral perfume notes. This is a well balanced Riesling that delivers generous fruit.

It is also one of Australia’s cellaring secrets and over time it will develop a honeyed fullness.


Serving suggestions:

Enjoy this wine with a wide variety of seafood, chicken, cheeses and light herbed flavours. Try some shucked oysters, grilled scallops, herb rubbed chicken, fresh goats cheese and pear tarts.

Available now for £25.99 click below to purchase!

Find Mount Horrocks Watervale Riesling below:

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