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Come join us for a Sunday afternoon tasting at Claygate ….

Can’t make our regular Monday night tastings? Well, we are now doing a Sunday afternoon tasting just for you!

It is our Wines of Festive Season!

So now there are even more ways to join us to enjoy great wines. Our next Claygate tasting will be on the 19th November, 2023 at 4.30 to 6.30 pm. It will be a small group around the new Tasting Table right there in store. Six Festive inspired wines with a suitably festive inspired shared cheese & charcuterie platter for the table. Plenty of time to enjoy the wine while having a chat.

No wine knowledge is needed at all. However, the nights will be led by Lisa Johnston so you will always pick up some great information about the wines and get your wine questions answered.

Please click here to see more about these events and to book!

Bookable directly or via Eventbrite.

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