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Celebrate the Jubilee ….

The long bank holiday is coming up very quickly, however it is not too late to order your wine for your own celebration.


Here are five tips to picking great wines for that BBQ or Jubilee get together:


If you are providing wine for a crowd, big or small, you cannot buy a different wine for everyone. It is fair better to choose one or two good quality wines that will suit as many people as possible. Of course, read on to get some great crowd-pleasing suggestions….


Ice at the ready! It is best to get your ice early before it all sells out. And also think ahead and have a tub or an ice bucket that keep your wines and beers well chilled in the heat.


Don’t let your reds get too hot! Seriously, leaving a red wine in the sun to warm up will through your wines out of balance and red wines will seem much sweeter and more alcoholic. The solution is easy. Every so often, pop your red wine into the ice for about five minutes and then pull it back out again. You really can taste the difference.


Glasses really do matter! And shape! It is far better to provide properly shaped glassware or polycarbonate glasses to drink your wine. You can use these for sparkling wine as well as red and white. Next best is plastic goblet glasses. Typical plastic cups, pint cups or paper cups really will make your wine taste rather different than the correct glass.


Get planned and buy your wine from and arrange to pick it up at your Twickenham, Thames Ditton or Claygate store in plenty of time!

Have a great long bank weekend!

Here are our selections!


Everyone loves bubbles & here is a great English fizz and an unusual sparkling red. (Click here to see our information sheet on just how to best enjoy this sparkling red!)

Crowd pleasing white wines:

A couple of chill rosé wines:

Easy going reds:

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