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Easy drinking red wines for you!

Easy drinking wines are often described as ‘quaffable’ wines. They are wines that suit different occasions, and a wide variety of food flavours. Conversely, they are also often wines that don’t require any food at all. They are wines that you can open and enjoy straight away without any preparation and enjoy without food.

What makes a red wine ‘easy drinking’?

In general, an easy drinker will be a wine that is well balanced. That means that they are not high in tannins, not over oaked, not showing alcohol levels that are noticeable, and they often have fresh fruity flavours. Often, they will also be lighter in body, but not in flavour. They will feel soft in the mouth.

The idea is that a wine is ‘easy to drink’ because it doesn’t show an imbalance that requires food to address and ‘balance’ the wine out. Tannin in wine is a great example of this. A wine where the tannins are very noticeable, will be better enjoyed with foods that have proteins to bind with those tannins making that wine feel more balanced in the mouth. Protein rich food includes cheddar cheese for example. Or any meat. Without this food, the wine will have a very drying texture in the mouth.

Really, what makes a red wine ‘easy drinking’ is simply a wine that is high on enjoyment factor that you want more than one glass of at a sitting.

Here is a selection of our Easy drinking red wines:

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